Featured on FABSUGAR.com

It is indeed an amazing Sunday. Second surprise feature for my look "A Furry Affair" . This time it is on FABSUGAR.com

Fabsugar is part of POPSUGAR network and part of SHOPSTYLE.COM. Who hasn't heard of shopstyle.com?

My look "A furry affair" has been featured on LOOK OF THE WEEK along with  9 other amazing fashionistas from all over the world (also  from thousands of entries) . Click on the below link to see the feature.

Look Of The Week on FABSUGAR.com !

Read the article on


 or Check the featured stories on


Here's a snapshot image.

Little more about FABSUGAR.com

It is part of Sugar Inc.

FabSugar is dedicated to all the very latest must-haves in beauty, fashion and accessories, Fab guides users through upcoming trends and how to wear them, where to get them, and even how afford the million-dollar look without spending it. Covers everything from timeless classics and beauty staples to where to get the sunglasses worn by the hottest celebrities this week.

This is indeed an huge honour. Thanks a lot fabsugar.com . This feature made my day.

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