My 4th Mode Interview and Featured on Reader's Look for Less.

Hello Everyone.

I am suffering from excessive sleep disorder today! I was so tired that I quit doing the Herculean task of cleaning my wardrobe and went back to sleep.

In the evening managed to get myself out from the house to shoot with Vignesh for next post :)

My blog got featured again. This time on 4th Mode -Social Media for fashion bloggers and labels.

I was pleasantly surprised when Marcus Antonious sent me an email saying he they wish to interview fashion bloggers with strong personal style and they like my style.

Thank you so much Marcus. I had a great time interacting with you for the interview. I love the way you have presented me and my blog.


Snapshot of the Interview.

Featured on

My look The Girl in the Red Coat got featured on

Read the Article :

Snapshot of the Feature. is an unique initiative by Jennifer. Though she has a passion for high fashion, but prefers designer "looks for less" to get the most out of her shopping dollars. Every post is infused with a bit of her personal style, which ranges from boho to rocker glam.

Read more about Jennifer on

I am super excited about these two new features. Thanks a lot Marcus and Jennifer.

To check out more photos of the features click on Features/Press tab.

Have a great weekend guys.

See you soon with Sneak Peek of Wardrobe Wednesday.

If you like my blog and style do follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Bloglovin

Loads of love,

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